Energy traders on the wholesale energy market play a vital role in securing the balance between the production and consumption of energy. When consumers demand power and gas, they can have it in hand right then and there. PowerMart ensures a better balance in the power systems in cooperation with other energy companies. According to the European Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators (ACER), it is estimated that in 2021 cross-border trade delivered 34 billion Euros of benefits while helping to mitigate price volatility.
PowerMart is a key player in the European intraday markets, which ACER sees as crucial to facilitating the EU’s decarbonization trajectory.
Sustainability and a zero-emission future are some of the most critical topics in the world, and we are proud to be part of a sector that supports the implementation of sustainable energy solutions.
PowerMart is a member of Green Power Denmark and is regulated by the European Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators (ACER).
Given the expected increase in renewables in the EU electricity mix, intraday and balancing markets will become increasingly important. Hence, further integration of intraday and balancing markets would seem crucial to facilitate the EU’s decarbonization trajectory.
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